Why Your Website Doesn’t Generate Leads

Does your website generate new qualified leads for your business?

Most websites are pretty much useless. Most business websites are like online brochures and business owners don’t even expect to generate new business from their website. They just see it as a “should have” not a “must have”.

If you have one of these white elephant websites, then it is probably lacking these two incredibly important pieces:

1. Your Ideal Client Pain Points

When a visitor arrives at your website you need to talk to their #1 pain point. What is the pain they are experiencing right now. Most businesses know what these pain points are but never feature them on their website. Instead they discuss the features of their service or product.

Nobody cares about the features and services you provide. They only thing they care about is their problems. They live with them, think about them and are constantly trying to figure out how they are going to eradicate them.

When your website describes their problem better than they can, they automatically and unconsciously credit you with having the answer.

Your home page should describe vividly the pain point of your ideal client

2. An Offer

Now that you have identified the pain point of your perfect client, it makes sense to offer them the solution to this pain point.

Your website should clearly outline the solution as an offer. Now depending on your client this offer might be a lead magnet in the form of a video or ebook, or it may be a product or service that you can sell to your client instantly.

If your business has a longer sales cycle then you typically want to capture your prospects email address by offering an ebook or video so you can continue to move them along the sales cycle after they leave your website.

If your business sells a low cost service or product and has a very short sales cycle then you want to go to the sales page their first visit.

Does your home page outline the pain points on your homepage and make an irresistible offer that a prospect just can’t refuse?

Do you have the #1 pain points and an offer on your website? Let me know in the comments.

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