Can You Learn To Be A Successful Marketer By Watching YouTube?

Can You Learn To Be A Successful Marketer By Watching YouTube?

You can’t be a successful marketer by just watching tutorial videos on YouTube or online. Why? Because of the following three reasons: Marketing is three-dimensional, not one-dimensional You learn marketing through practice, not watching presentations You need a coach to fill in the gaps. In this video, I explain how to become successful at online…

Why Web Designers Must Transition To Digital Marketing

Why Web Designers Must Transition To Digital Marketing

For all you web designers, there is a huge opportunity you should be taking advantage of. It is selling Digital Marketing as a service to your existing or new clients. Digital marketing is more straightforward to deliver than web design and has great potential for large monthly retainers. In this video, I explain: Why web…

The Power Of A Video Sales Letter (VSL) On Your Website Homepage

The Power Of A Video Sales Letter (VSL) On Your Website Homepage

The most current way to convert more website visitors into appointments is to include a Video Sales Letter on your homepage. A Videos Sales Letter is a 5 – 20 minute video that explains who you help, what problems you solve for them and how you solve these problems. If a website visitor watches this…

How To Retarget On Facebook Ads After iOS 14.5 Changes

How To Retarget On Facebook Ads After iOS 14.5 Changes

The iOS 14.5 privacy changes affected Facebook advertisers. One of the casualties was the watered-down power of website retargeting. Many advertisers are reporting that is it not as effective. But there are other ways to retarget using video view and lead forms. Both of these are not affected by the iOS 14.5 changes. In this…

Want to Scale? Then Ask Can I Find My Prospect Electronically?

Want to Scale? Then Ask Can I Find My Prospect Electronically?

Want to grow your business using online marketing? Then there is one question you must answer correctly to have a chance. “Can I find my prospect electronically and get my message in front of them online?” This video explains what to look for in a perfect prospect if you want to grow fast. If the…

Why Every Marketing Team Needs A Marketing Coach

Why Every Marketing Team Needs A Marketing Coach

Every marketing team needs a marketing coach! A marketing coach has a different role from a marketing manager. A marketing manager is there is set the vision, be accountable to the business, manage and nurture the team. A marketing coach’s role is to teach the team the latest and most up-to-date marketing tactics, guide them…

Why A Facebook Ads Video Sales Funnel Is The Best Sales Tool Today

Why A Facebook Ads Video Sales Funnel Is The Best Sales Tool Today

Did you know it is possible to build a complete sales funnel on Facebook ads without emails or landing pages? I believe a sales funnel using video only and promoted through the Facebook ads platform is the best way to build your personal or brand’s authority, trust, and likeability. Over the last ten months, I…

How To Convert Website Traffic Into Sales

How To Convert Website Traffic Into Sales

Converting website traffic into sales is not easy. Most websites fail miserably because marketing experts do not create most websites. They are created by designers who don’t understand sales and conversion. If you want to convert website traffic into sales, you need to build a 3 step system in the backend of the website to…